apologies (and parentheses)

So I've always found it a bit annoying when bloggers say "it's been a while since I posted last" or "sorry for such a long delay between posts" and things of the like. Why don't you just post? Boy was I a jerk. I totally get it now, folks. It's an odd sense of regret and dismissal that makes you feel lousy. Like failing to feed a neighbor's cat - not that I would ever do that (sheesh).

I will start by apologizing for my rude thoughts and follow with sorry it's been so long since I posted (not that anyone can read this blog except family at this point) and I will try to be better in the future. But, A LOT has been going on! As Cyn probably already wrote about (I am worse than most and haven't even kept up with what she's been saying - for shame!) WE (and by we of course I mean Cynthia) WERE INVITED TO THE SEPTEMBER A-100 CLASS!!!!!! We sold the condo, I've sold my business (more about that later), we moved into a sub-let (in a new 'hood!), Cyn put in her notice at work, and all those publications we downloaded before are now relevant and current! At this point we finally have a little time to chill out in the evenings, catch dinner and drinks with friends, go on mini-vacations (last weekend to Raging Waters and this weekend to Russian River), and overall enjoy a much-needed sense of relief that this is all happening and we will be moving forward.

We are looking forward to a trip to Hawaii next month followed immediately by a week with my family in Washington State. Upon returning to SF we will have a little going away party and pack up the remaining things before beginning our sure to be awesome road trip to DC.  All of which we will totally keep you updated on.

As if that isn't enough, I will also be turning dirty thirty.


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